About Us

Explore the life of our Church. Our roots, mission and our service to demonstrate who we are and what we believe

As a congregation of The American Association of Lutheran Churches TAALC, we believe in salvation by grace, through faith, apart from works.

The Bible is the sole source of our beliefs, and it is the ultimate authority in all matters of faith and life. We accept the Lutheran Confessions as the correct interpretation of Scripture.

God commands us to gather, and we receive from God what we need most: eternal healing and restoration. Our “duty” is to rest and receive from Him.

What is our Call

We believe that God has called us to care for people beyond ourselves. We believe God has called us to reach people in our community, family and friends

Our Mission

Our Church provides the protection of God's Word and the provision of Baptism and Holy Supper

We help people connect with God's message and share it with our families, and friends

God's Service

God is with you in the valleys of death, and He will carry you until you reach your destination 

Let God carry your burdens, rest in the Lord Jesus Christ. He will restore your life 

Church Leadership

Mountain View has a council that leads the Church. This helps us to prepare our different services areas

Our commitment is to open the way for God to provide His help to the people we serve

Our Staff

Our dedicated pastor and leaders are here to provide spiritual guidance and support, as well as resources to help you on your faith journey

Meet Our Pastor

Pastor Edwin Mendivelso, serves as a pastor at MVLC, where he preaches, teaches, and offers Biblical counseling. Pastor Edwin is single is from Colombia when he growth as Lutheran pastor kid and had experience in Missions for more than 25 years in Latin America, Canada, Tacoma WA, Long Island NY and now, he is with us.

About our building

Mountain View was founded in 1955. We have a vivid sanctuary, a fellowship-recreation hall, library, 5 classrooms, two large parking spaces near a children's playground

We presently in a mission stage. Our worship service is a blend of both traditional as well as fresh style in both liturgy and music

Our Beliefs

Our Statement of Faith captures what we believe, creating a foundation for why we do what we do as a Church.

Get Connected

Explore the ways we share our lives together in Thronton.